Image with two side that shows a bad naming example in the left side and a good naming example in the right side

Mastering File Naming: The Essential Guide for Every Developer

Abdellah Slimani

Abdellah Slimani

August 25, 2024
6 min read

File naming might seem like a minor detail when you're starting out as a developer, but it plays a crucial role in the organization, readability, and maintainability of your code. In this post, we'll delve into the importance of file naming, offer best practices, and share tips that will help you name files like a pro. This guide is designed to be a comprehensive resource, so whether you're a new developer or looking to refine your skills, you'll find valuable insights here.

Why File Naming is Important

Before we dive into specific examples, it's essential to understand why file naming is so important. Proper file naming:

  1. Improves Code Readability: When files are named clearly and consistently, it's easier for you and others to understand what each file does at a glance.
  2. Enhances Project Organization: Good file names help keep your project organized, making it easier to navigate and locate specific pieces of code.
  3. Facilitates Collaboration: In team environments, well-named files reduce confusion and miscommunication, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  4. Supports Maintainability: As your project grows, consistent file naming makes it easier to maintain and update your codebase over time.

Now that we understand the importance of file naming, let's explore some best practices, with explanations followed by practical examples.

Best Practices for File Naming

1. Be Descriptive and Specific

Your file names should clearly describe what the file contains or what its purpose is. Avoid vague or generic names that don't provide much context. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to understand the file's role in the project.


  • Good: userProfile.js — This file likely contains code related to the user's profile.
  • Bad: data.js — This is too vague. What kind of data does it handle? Naming it something like userData.js or productData.js would be more informative.

Additional Tip:
When naming a file, think about what someone else would expect to find in that file. If the name doesn't give them a clear idea, it's probably not descriptive enough.

2. Use Consistent Naming Conventions

Consistency in file naming is crucial for maintaining order in your project. There are several naming conventions to choose from, and it's important to stick to one throughout your project. The most common conventions are:

  • CamelCase: Words are joined together, with each word after the first capitalized. Example: userProfile.js
  • kebab-case: Words are joined together using hyphens. Example: user-profile.js
  • snake_case: Words are joined together using underscores. Example: user_profile.js

Example: If you start with userProfile.js, don't switch to user-profile.js or user_profile.js later in the project. Choose one style and use it consistently.

Additional Tip:
If you're working with a team, agree on a naming convention at the start of the project. This will prevent inconsistencies and make the codebase easier to navigate for everyone.

3. Group Files by Feature or Function

Organizing your files by feature or function helps in maintaining a structured project. Grouping related files together makes it easier to find what you’re looking for and understand how different parts of the project are connected.


  • Good:
    • auth/login.js
    • auth/signup.js
    • profile/editProfile.js
  • Bad:
    • login.js
    • signup.js
    • editProfile.js

By placing login.js and signup.js in an auth folder, you indicate that these files are related to authentication, making the project structure more intuitive.

Additional Tip:
Consider breaking down larger projects into multiple folders, each representing a different feature or module. This keeps your project organized and helps avoid clutter at the root level.

4. Avoid Generic Names

Generic names like config.js or data.js don't provide enough information about the file's purpose. It's better to be specific so that the file name reflects its content or function.


  • Good: userSettings.js — Indicates that this file handles user-specific settings.
  • Bad: config.js — This name is too generic. A project can have multiple configurations, so specify what the config is for, like databaseConfig.js or appConfig.js.

Additional Tip:
If you find yourself tempted to use a generic name, think about what makes this file unique or specific to the project. Incorporate that uniqueness into the file name.

5. Use File Extensions Appropriately

Using the correct file extensions is important because it tells both the developers and the system what kind of content the file contains. This also helps in setting the right expectations about how the file should be used.


  • Good: index.html, styles.css, app.js — Each extension corresponds to the file’s content type.
  • Bad: index.htm, styles.scss.css, app.javascript — These extensions are either incorrect or redundant.

Additional Tip:
Stick to widely accepted file extensions and avoid adding unnecessary suffixes. For example, don’t use .html and .htm interchangeably; choose one and be consistent.

6. Indicate the File's Role

In more complex projects, files often serve specific roles, such as models, controllers, or services. Naming files according to their role makes it clear what the file is responsible for within the project.


  • Good: user.model.js, user.controller.js — Indicates the file’s role in the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern.
  • Bad: user.js, controller.js — These names are too vague and don’t convey the file’s purpose.

Additional Tip:
If your project uses a specific architectural pattern like MVC, naming files according to their role within that pattern can help keep things organized and make the project easier to understand.

7. Keep It Short but Descriptive

File names should be concise yet descriptive. Avoid overly long names that are cumbersome to type and read. However, don't sacrifice clarity for brevity.


  • Good: getUserData.js — Short and to the point.
  • Bad: functionToGetUserDataFromDatabase.js — While descriptive, this name is unnecessarily long.

Additional Tip:
If a file name is getting too long, consider whether you're trying to include too much detail. Aim for a balance between clarity and brevity.

Advanced Tips for Professionals

As you gain more experience, you'll develop your own file-naming habits that suit your workflow. Here are some advanced tips that professionals use:

  1. Use Prefixes for Special Files: If a file has a special role, like configuration or initialization, use a prefix to denote this. For example, _config.js might be used for configuration settings that are crucial for the project’s setup.
  2. Indicate Version Numbers: When dealing with versioned files, include the version number in the file name. This is especially useful in projects where multiple versions of the same file are maintained. Example: api.v1.js, styles.v2.css.
  3. Leverage Directory Structure: Instead of having a single utils.js file that becomes a catch-all for various utilities, create a utils/ directory and organize utilities by function, like stringUtils.js and dateUtils.js.
  4. Use Meaningful Suffixes: In some cases, adding a suffix can clarify the file’s purpose, such as dashboard.component.js for a React component. This is particularly helpful in large projects with multiple files that serve similar functions but differ in scope or context.
  5. Consider Internationalization (i18n): If your project will be localized, consider how your file names might need to change to accommodate different languages or regions. Planning for this early on can save headaches later.
  6. Keep a Naming Convention Document: If you’re working in a team, maintaining a document that outlines your project’s naming conventions can be invaluable. This helps onboard new team members and ensures consistency across the project.


File naming might seem like a minor detail, but it has a significant impact on your project's organization, readability, and maintainability. By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your codebase remains clean, efficient, and easy to navigate—whether you're working alone or as part of a team.

Remember, good file naming is about making your code as clear and intuitive as possible, so that anyone can jump in and understand what's going on, no matter how large or complex the project becomes. Use this guide as a reference whenever you're unsure about how to name a file, and over time, these practices will become second nature.

Happy coding! A well-named file is the first step toward a well-organized project.